Father's Day at ASCENZA: Father and sons' stories

father's day ascenza
Father's Day at ASCENZA: Father and sons' stories
Because We Care

March 19 is the day we celebrate all fathers.

ASCENZA, working in the crop protection sector since 1965, has witnessed many generations coming together, both working simultaneously in the company.

Let’s now meet some of them…


Vítor Lázaro and João Lázaro

Vítor Lázaro, Manufacturing Coordinator, has been working at the company for 41 years, almost his entire working life and his family and children have always lived with him as an ASCENZA employee. In fact, João Lázaro, his oldest son, went to the company’s kindergarten, so he has always been really close.

João is Global IT Operations Manager, and his studies had nothing to do with the agrochemical world. He tells us that his early connection to the company, feeling that some of his roots were here, and his father’s positive experience, were contributing factors to joining ASCENZA.

However, despite being based in the same facilities, Vítor and João pass weeks without seeing each other at work, because their jobs are not connected and João travels a lot for work. Nevertheless, both João and Vítor mention that the fact that they are so close daily is something to be glad about because they know they can rely on each other easily.

Vítor and João Lázaro ascenza employees
Vítor and João Lázaro



Luís Alexandre and Gonçalo Alexandre

Luís Alexandre and Gonçalo Alexandre are another family from Setúbal,  who works at ASCENZA. But also, Gonçalo’s maternal grandfather, his mother and his uncle have already worked at the company. Luís has been working at ASCENZA since 2012 and since 2020 accepted a challenge in the labelling project.

Gonçalo is currently on a traineeship in the IT department, and this is already his third traineeship with our company. He also comes from a background which has nothing to do with agrochemicals but still, he has chosen us to be his hosting company. Also for Gonçalo, his father’s positive experience with ASCENZA has been a contributing factor.

For Luís the fact of his son starting his professional career close to him and in a company in which he trusts is great. Like all parents, he wants the best for his son, and he believes ASCENZA is a great place.

Luís and Gonçalo Alexandre
Luís and Gonçalo Alexandre



José Ribeiro and Elmer Ribeiro

José Ribeiro is a Manufacturing Team Leader and has been working with ASCENZA for 30 years. But his life was not always around the agrochemical world. Before, José was a professional football player and played in the national team.

 Elmer also wanted to be a football player but, like his father, he ended up choosing to work for ASCENZA.

Elmer joined the company 15 years ago. Today he is a Formulation Development Analyst working in Research and Development (R&D). José says the significant difference between their jobs is that Elmer formulates a product on a scale of 100g while he formulates it on a scale of one ton.

Both José and Elmer like the fact they are so close to each other and can see each other and talk every day. They even say this should be loved by everyone.

José adds that his years at ASCENZA have made him a better man and Elmer adds that he is an example in his life.

José and Elmer Ribeiro ascenza employees
José and Elmer Ribeiro


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